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發布時間:2019-05-26        作者:張雲柏        編輯:       浏覽:

日本名古屋大學工學部副教授Kiyohisa Nishiyama将于530(星期四)和531日(星期五)在我院舉辦兩場學術講座,介紹研究資料的組織方式和适用于研究性論文的摘要寫作模闆,并就論文引言、正文、結論等各部分的寫作方法和英語行文規則等方面進行指導和分享。

報告題目Strategy for effective research paper writing

報 告 人Kiyohisa Nishiyama, associate professor, School of Engineering, Nagoya University





This lecture aims at delivering a novel strategy for completing a research paper effectively. When writing a research paper, one may struggle with organizing mess of information obtained through research. This situation sometimes makes it more difficult to collaborate with your supervisors and colleagues for brushing up research paper. This lecture will interactively introduce a template applicable for abstract in typical research papers. Then, how you develop the main part of research paper, introduction, methodology, results, discussions and conclusion, based on the abstract developed with the template will also be introduced considering fundamental rules of English sentences. Lecture participants who are just starting research paper writing will grab some key points for avoiding the trap of maze in research paper writing. The participants who are already in the maze will learn techniques how they can be released from there.


Dr. K Nishiyama has obtained his PhD at The University of Birmingham, UK, 2008, in the field of mechanical engineering. He is now an associate professor in School of Engineering, Nagoya University since 2012. His involvement ranges from the academic and life support for international students to various educational activities related to university internationalization. Before starting his career in Nagoya University, he was an engineer in Toyota Industries Corporation where he joined a project for developing a new model vehicle manufactured in North America. He was in charge of interior parts design and experienced interaction with engineers from cross-border automotive suppliers.

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